1 Oakwood Boulevard, Suite 250
Hollywood, Florida 33020
(954) 924-3653

421 SW Camden Avenue
Stuart, Florida 34994
(772) 221-4060
October 25, 2019 ~ 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Lunch provided at 12:30 p.m.)
Palm Beach Atlantic University – Lassiter Student Center/Weyenberg Center (2nd Floor)
900 South Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Chairs’ Comments – The Honorable Susan Adams, Chair, TCRPC and the Honorable Greg Ross, Chair, SFRPC
4. Agenda Approval
5. Welcoming Remarks – Vicki Pugh, Vice President of Development, Palm Beach Atlantic University and The Honorable Mack Bernard, Mayor, Palm Beach County BOCC
6. Affordable Housing and Joint Resolution TCSF #19-01
…..• Suzanne P. Cabrera, President & CEO, Housing Leadership Council of Palm Beach County, Inc. and Chair Florida Housing Coalition ….
…..• The Honorable Mack Bernard, Mayor, Palm Beach County Commission
…..• The Honorable Senator Steve Geller, Commissioner, Broward County Commission, Presentation: Concept for Creating Additional Housing and Affordable Housing in Broward County
7. National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorization Update – Presentation by the Honorable Quentin “Beam” Furr, Commissioner, Broward County Commission, and Joint Resolution TCSF #19-02
8. Florida’s Water Infrastructure Challenge Update – Presentation by Frank Bernardino, Partner, Anfield Consulting and Joint Resolution TCSF #19-03
9. Management Alternatives for Human Wastewater Biosolids – Presentation by Peter Janicki, CEO of Janicki Bioenergy and Joint Resolution TCSF #19-04
10. Florida Department of Environmental Protection
…..• Priority Issues Update – Jason Andreotta, Director, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, SE District
…..• Southeast Florida Coral Reef Tract Update –Presentation by Joanna C. Walzcak, Southeast Regional Administrator, Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Joint Resolution TCSF #19-05
11. Florida Transportation Plan 2020 Update – Presentation by Ken Jeffries of FDOT District 6 and Lois Bush of FDOT District 4
12. Regional Passenger Rail Update
…..• 2019 Regional Leadership and Excellence Award from the National Association of Regional Councils recognizing the SFRTA, TCRPC, and SFRPC for their Transit Oriented Development Educational Outreach Program
…..• Tri-Rail Issues Update – Steven Abrams, Executive Director, SFRTA
…..• Brightline/Virgin Trains USA Update Presentation – Russell “Rusty” Roberts, Brightline VP of Government Affairs
13. Public Comment
14. Council Comment
15. Adjournment
Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this joint hearing is asked to advise the Agency at least 5 days before the hearing by contacting the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council at one of the following: (1) 421 SW Camden Avenue, Stuart, Florida, 34994; (2) Phone 772.221.4060; (3) Fax 772.221.4067; or (4) lgulick@tcrpc.org. Additionally, please feel free to contact the South Florida Regional Planning Council at (1) One Oakwood Boulevard, Suite 250, Hollywood, Florida 33020; (2) Phone 954.924.3653; (3) Fax 954.924.3654; or (4) sfadmin@sfrpc.com. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Agency using the Florida Relay Service, 1 (800) 955-8771 (TTY/VCO), 1 (800) 955-8770 (Voice), 1 (800) 955-8773 (Spanish).