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Section 403.9301 and 403.9302, Florida Statutes, (see Chapter 2021-194, Laws of Florida), direct municipalities, counties, and independent special districts that provide a stormwater management system or programs, or waste water management services, to develop a 20-year needs analysis every five years.
Senate Bill 1954 section 380.093 has authorized the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to provide funding to regional resilience entities for providing technical assistance to counties and municipalities, coordinating multijurisdictional vulnerability assessments, and developing project proposals for the statewide resilience plan. This bill and associated funding opportunities apply to both inland and coastal counties and municipalities.
The SFRPC website is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents for disabled individuals and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make reasonable accommodations. If you need assistance accessing Council documents while these modifications are being made, please contact the SFRPC Director of Administration, at sfadmin@sfrpc.com or 954-924-3653 for assistance. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes.