The Southeast Florida Regional Partnership (Partnership) is a growing partnership with more than 200 public, private, non-profit, and civic stakeholders from the seven-county region of Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties.  We are seeking to continue growing the Partnership and welcome your participation.  Any private sector organization, non-profit, academic or research institution, philanthropic partner, community organization, governmental entity, individual, or intermediary agency that bears responsibility for, or has an interest in, the sustainable development and redevelopment of Southeast Florida may be a general Partner of the Partnership.


In June 2009 the U.S. Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency announced the creation of an interagency partnership and Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program that would support regions who committed to work collaboratively across jurisdictional boundaries to create “Regional Plans for Sustainable Development.”   Inaugural grants under this program are supporting metropolitan and multi-jurisdictional planning efforts that better integrate housing, land use, economic development, community development, social equity, water, environmental protection, transportation, energy conservation, and infrastructure.

In August 2010 the South Florida Regional Planning Council, working in partnership with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and Partnership members, submitted an application to the U.S. HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program.  In October 2010 it was announced that the Southeast Florida Regional Partnership had been selected one of 45 recipients of the initial grants.  The Partnership was awarded a $4.25 million dollar grant, one of the top four awards nationally, in the regional plan development category (Category 1).  These resources will be used to develop the Partnership’s long-term “Regional Vision and Blueprint for Economic Prosperity.” The South Florida Regional Planning Council is fiscally responsible grantee entity who will assure that grant requirements are met.

The Southeast Florida Regional Partnership’s successful application for a HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning grant has also given our region “Preferred Sustainability Status.” This means that for certain competitive programs, HUD will award bonus points to applications from our region that further the goals of the Partnership articulated in the Regional Vision and Blueprint for Economic Prosperity work plan and livability principles.  Please click on the link at the top of this page for additional information.

The key Livability Principles that will guide the development of the Regional Vision and Blueprint for Economic Prosperity are:

  • Provide more transportation choices
  • Promote equitable, affordable housing
  • Enhance economic competitiveness
  • Support existing communities
  • Coordinate policies and leverage investment
  • Value communities and neighborhoods
  • Enhance community resiliency to the impacts of Climate Change

Since the execution of the Cooperative Agreement on February 21st, the Partnership has been busy at work with key organizational tasks including the creation of the Partnership’s initial Executive Committee and Statement of Organization.

For more information about how to become involved in the work of the Partnership, please contact project staff.

Staff Contact Information

Marcela Camblor, AICP

Dr Kim Delaney

Partnership Coordinator, Treasure Coast RPC
Growth Management Coordinator
Office: 772-221-4060
Cell: 772-485-5802

Randy Deshazo

Deputy Director, Chief of Staff & Director of Economic Development and Research
Office: 954-924-3653

Regional Planning Councils

Isabel Cosio Carballo

Executive Director, SFRPC
Office: (954) 924-3653

Tom Lanahan

Executive Director, TCRPC
Office: 772-221-4060

Partnership Resources
Please contact Isabel Cosio-Carballo (; cell 954.240.3012) of Council staff for login information.

Join the Partnership

You can participate in the regional partnership by becoming a member of the Partnership and participating in the development of the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development.Partnership members are asked to please execute the Partnership Memorandum of Understanding.