Current RFP’s

Before you send out that Request for Proposal…

Did you know that you are able to contract directly with the South Florida Regional Regional Council (SFRPC) without initiating a competitive bid process?

Regional planning councils are created under authority of Florida Statutes 186.505 and have the following powers:

8)  To accept and receive, in furtherance of its functions, funds, grants, and services from the federal government or its agencies; from departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of state, municipal, or local government; or from private or civic sources. Each regional planning council shall render an accounting of the receipt and disbursement of all funds received by it, pursuant to the federal Older Americans Act, to the legislature no later than March 1 of each year.

(9)  To receive and expend such sums of money as shall be from time to time appropriated for its use by any county or municipality when approved by the council and to act as an agency to receive and expend federal funds for planning.

(11)  To cooperate, in the exercise of its planning functions, with federal and state agencies in planning for emergency management under s. 252.34(4).

(19) To enter into contracts to provide, at cost, such services related to its responsibilities as may be requested by local governments within the region and which the council finds feasible to perform.

As governmental agencies, commodities or services may be obtained from regional planning councils without following the competitive solicitation formalities outlined in Chapter 287. See, Section 287.057(3)(e)12., Florida Statutes.

The SFRPC is able to provide the following contractual services without competitive bid:

  • Grant writing
  • Grant management
  • CDBG (Community Development Block Grants)
  • GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
  • Housing Assistance
  • Rural Development
  • Emergency Planning
  • Data Analysis
  • Technical Assistance
  • Project Management
  • Disaster-related Exercises
  • Community Planning
  • Training