General DRI Background Information

Pursuant to §380.06(1), Florida Statutes (Fla. Stat.), a DRI is defined as “any development which, because of its character, magnitude, or location, would have a substantial effect upon the health, safety or welfare of citizens of more than one county.”

In 2018, Florida enacted statutory changes eliminating developments from review through the DRI Program. There were two exemptions (§380.06(12)(b)1. and 2., Fla. Statutes):

  1. Amendments to a development order governing an existing development of regional impact.
  2. An application for development approval filed with a concurrent plan amendment application pending as of May 14, 2015, if the applicant elects to have the application reviewed pursuant to this section as it existed on that date. The election shall be in writing and filed with the affected local government, regional planning council, and state land planning agency before December 31, 2018.

Current Review

The project area is located west of SW 162 Avenue to SW 177 Avenue, between SW 136 Street and theoretical SW 152 Street, outside of the Urban Development Boundary. Miami-Dade County rules and regulations require proposed developments located outside the UDB to be reviewed with an amendment to the Comprehensive Development Master Plan and a concurrent zoning application.

The Applicant submitted its initial DRI Application for Development Approval (ADA) in 2005. While the Council found the ADA sufficient on October 31, 2008, the Applicant exercised its statutory right to waive the DRI timeline. The Council voted in July 2012 and advised the Applicant a further review of the ADA should be based on updated data and analysis. On September 20, 2021, the Council received a request from the applicant to revive the application.

DRI Documents and Comprehensive Plans and Plan Amendments

To access documents pertaining to developments of regional impact (DRI) or comprehensive plans and plan amendments please click one of the links below:

The Development of Regional Impact electronic management system provides access to development of regional impact applications and binding letters submitted to the Department.


The FloridaPAPERS electronic document management system provides access to comprehensive plans and plan amendments for Local Government.
For more information please call us at (954) 924-3653 or visit FloridaCommerce.