Public and private sector officials, economic development organizations (EDOs), and other organizations that provide support to businesses need to be prepared for the reality that their community may be vulnerable to some form of natural disaster or other form of crisis. Join the SFRPC on October 21st at 10:30 a.m. for a presentation of the International Economic Development Council’s report Leadership in Times of Crisis: A Toolkit for Economic Recovery and Resiliency followed by a local panel of municipal leaders. Learn why local governments and economic development organizations should play a leadership role in both disaster preparedness and the economic recovery process as disaster preparation builds resiliency into the community. Hear about real life case studies, best practices, and strategies that communities around the country have employed in response to the pandemic and other disasters.

Frankie Clogston

Vice President
Knowledge Management and Development Practice, International Economic Development Council

David Hebert

City Manager
City of Oakland Park

Alina T. Hudak

City Manager
City of Miami Beach

Patti McLauchlin

City Manager
City of Key West

Mario Bailey (Moderator)

South Florida Regional Planning Council