Home » Health & Quality of Life
Advancing the quality of life in South Florida’s communities is paramount in maintaining the vibrancy and vitality of the region; with proper attention to this indicator, the region will flourish with exceptional economic development and growth opportunities. Quality of life is a broad category with many indicators; examples include access to parks and natural areas, walkability of communities, and presence of cultural attractions, among others.
The health of our residents is equally important; recognizing the correlation between how we plan and build and the health of our communities is vital. Ensuring access to healthcare, recreation, and healthy food are all components of planning quality metropolitan areas. Recognizing and evaluating these factors can also assist in developing vulnerability assessments to determine areas that may need additional attention or funding.
The SFRPC website is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents for disabled individuals and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make reasonable accommodations. If you need assistance accessing Council documents while these modifications are being made, please contact the SFRPC Director of Administration, at sfadmin@sfrpc.com or 954-924-3653 for assistance. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes.