Broward County Mayor

Beam Furr is a Broward County Commissioner representing District Six, the southeast part of the county. He currently serves as Mayor of Broward County. He was first elected to the Broward County Commission in 2014. Prior to that, he was a Hollywood City Commissioner for 12 years.

As an elected official, he has focused on environmental issues, early childhood education, transportation, housing, economic opportunity, and the arts.

Vice Mayor Furr serves as chair of the Southeast Florida Transportation Council, the co-chair of the Broward Climate Change Task Force, Broward County Solid Waste Authority
and Broward Reads, as well as a board member of the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), CareerSource Broward, the Broward County Tourist Development Council (TDC), and South Florida Regional Planning Council. Beam also served as a board member of the Broward County Children’s Services Council for 9 years.

Commissioner Furr was a teacher in the Broward County School system for 25 years. During that time, he taught social studies, before becoming a librarian for Flanagan High School. Beam grew up in South Florida and now lives in Hollywood with his wife, Shelli Edwards, and is the proud dad of his daughter, Eliza.